5-day Piloting Workshop with migrant/refugee women

The 5-day Piloting Workshop started on the 29th of January and lasted until the 2nd of February 2024 in EKO’s premises, Athens-Greece. The entire workshop was conducted in English to minimize any language barriers and focused specifically on the support of migrant/refugee women in their employability inclusion.


The workshop hosted by EKO Greece had 16 female participants in total from various countries including Egypt, Congo, Iran, Somalia, Syria, Ethiopia etc. During these 5 days, the participants had the opportunity to explore the various stages of the working sector, as described briefly below:


  • Learn how to build/structure their CVs professionally (Europass format) & cover letters
  • Familiarize themselves with the stage of applying for a job position
  • Prepare them for future job interviews
  • Become aware of the dress code in the workplace & work etiquette
  • Become more self-confident
  • Get to know more about the first day at work
  • Ask for vacation leave, sick leave and even a raise
  • Deal with possible workplace conflicts
  • Remember the workers’ rights & obligations


Follow our webpage for more information about the project!


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