Youth SDGs – 2nd International Conference (Trondheim, Norway)
In the context of the 2nd conference in Trondheim (Norway), a 3-hour local workshop took place in Athens (Greece) with Greek local participants. The entitled “Climate Change and sustainable resources” local workshop consisted of participants who expressed their interest on the topic of climate change and thereafter its sustainable development goals. The main objectives of which were to:
Introduce key environmental concepts;
Discuss about the current situation of the climate change. The case of Greece;
Raise awareness on the environmental protection;
Share environmental best practices applied in a local level.
During the implementation of the workshop, the participants discussed about the topic, identified problematic issues and contributed by sharing innovative ideas that could be applied as a form of raising local awareness, targeting in all age groups.
On an international level, a 2-days conference about climate change and sustainable resources took place was organised and held at NTNU University in Trondheim, Norway on 17th of September 2022. The international conference event is part of the project “Youth SDGs” in which EKO is a partner together with TtB from Norway and Elements ev from Germany, which is the Leading partner.
The project has as a main goal to:
– Strengthen youth participation, involvement and engagement in policy-making;
– Improve access to inclusive and equitable quality education for everyone;
– Make a crucial contribution in the fight against the climate crisis.
Some of the main ideas discussed during the workshop were the following:
– To understand sustainable development
– To see and discuss how climate change has affected our lives
– To get informed about energy strategies, green energy transition, CO2 footprint
The second part of the conference sessions revolved about sustainable energy development by an expert, PhD, Lewaa Hmadeh. After that, participants participated in a Kahoot quiz in order to see what they gained during to the project.
On the evening of the second day of the conference, the participants made a city tour of Trondheim and experienced the smart and green city model. After the official part of the conference, the city guide informed the participants about the historical places of the city.
Through engaging with young people, they were provided with the opportunity to:
Make an immediate contribution to achieving the UN’s sustainable development goals
Combating climate change
Making their countries and the EU as a whole more environmetally friendly
Their contribution was the suggestions they made to the politicians. Furthermore, as a result of attending the conferences, young people became aware of the channels through which they could engage with democratic and political processes in order to make their voices heard for a greener and more sustainable future.
As EKO, we are very grateful and we thank Mehmet and Pakiza from TtB for making this conference happen and offering all attendants an amazing interpersonal experience and lots of wonderful memories! Special thanks to all the youth workers and participants for making this project so special and for giving all their amazing energy and knowledge into every session.
Last but not least, a big thank you to the EKO team for being so motivated, passionate and active and for giving the project’s backbone a heart!