
Young people are one of the most vulnerable groups in society. In times of economic and social instability like those we are currently experiencing, and in times of profound transformations driven by globalisation and technological development, young people face increasingly complex and demanding challenges, namely in the transition to adulthood and in entering/progressing into the labour market. As a result of the current European and global context, the European statistics for youth unemployment, young people at risk of poverty and/or social exclusion, young people in precarious situations and NEETs remain high and are likely to increase further. We are thus facing a multiple social problem that urgently needs to be combated: youth unemployment and youth exclusion. This project arises to combat this problem and to enhance the sustainability of young people in society, in general, and in the labour market, in particular. This will be achieved by investing in the youth sector, so that it is able to empower young people and develop key competencies, with a focus on entrepreneurship. With this project, youth workers will be better prepared to work with young people and young people will have the necessary conditions to explore their creativity, ambitions and talents, becoming able to create their own projects in the area of employment and/or having the necessary skills to have easier access to existing jobs.


The project is based on the following priorities:


-Strengthening the employability of young people.

-Increasing quality, innovation and recognition of youth work.

-Promoting active citizenship, young people’s sense of initiative and youth entrepreneurship including social entrepreneurship.


Enhance the social inclusion and employability of young people, namely through the development of key competencies and the stimulation of entrepreneurship.

Encourage entrepreneurship as a means for equal opportunities, social inclusion and improving the employability prospects of young people.



Provide young people with a set of tools that allow them to develop their entrepreneurial competence so that they are able to create their own personal projects in the area of employment.

Promote capacity building of youth workers to improve their work with young people in terms of social inclusion and employability, namely by developing entrepreneurial competence.


ANJE – Associacao Nacional de Jovens Empresarios (Portugal)



Camara – Oficial de Comercio, Industria, Servizos e Navigacion de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

EKO – Entrepreneurship and Social Economy Group (Greece)

Stichting yEUth – Empowering Youth through Opportunity Creation (The Netherlands)

Outputs & Results

The results of the project will be as follows:

-Methodological manual for youth workers

-E-learning training for young people

-Online platform available for consultation 

-Development of professional learning and key competencies   in the area of entrepreneurship

-Development of social and civic skills

-Communication in native and second language

-Skill acquisition in the digital realm.

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Empowering Youth,

Building a Better Future!


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