Agriculture for Youth

PROJECT SUMMARY:  The agricultural sector plays a strategic role in a country’s economic development process. Developing countries go into great efforts to achieve a more modern economic structure than traditional economic structure. Developed countries having agricultural economies in the past have firstly given importance to the agricultural sector and provided the development of the agricultural sector and then accelerated industrialization with the resources obtained from this sector. EU territory almost manages half the 22 million farmers and with farm workers in the agri-food sector, geographic location where the EU’s largest economic sectors have a place. Turkey is at the center of one climate structure and has a rich agricultural potential in terms of product diversity. However, non-registration of production, ineffectiveness of producer organizations, unstable agricultural policies, and unplanned production models causes significant problems in the sector. Structural problems experienced in Turkey’s agricultural sector are labor, land, water, capital, lack of data, also known that lack of agri-environment relations and R&D. Here are the measures to be taken from the beginning.

PLACE AND DATE: Izmir, Turkey 2 March – 11 March 2022 (10 days)
TRAVEL DATES: 2/3 (arrival)/ 11/3 (departure)
PARTICIPANTS: 45 (9 from each organization)

** The project covers 100% of accommodation, meals, transportation and travel tickets (based on Erasmus+ Distance Calculator: maximum 160 EUROS for a round trip).

COUNTRIES: Bulgaria, Greece, Latvia and Turkey
LANGUAGE: The working language will be English


1.To encourage young population to stay in agricultural production and take measures to ensure employment of young population in agriculture

2. Increasing the level of education of the current labor force

3. Innovation and any information concerning agriculture (technological or regulatory changes, etc.) needs to
be quickly transferred to the agricultural sector.