Lights, Lenses, and Limitless Creativity: VISYON in Athens
Lights, Lenses, and Limitless Creativity: VISYON in Athens
Lights, Lenses, and Limitless Creativity: VISYON in Athens
3rd Transnational Meeting in Riga, Latvia
took place in Turin, Italy, from 12 June to 19 June 2024.
STELLA’s Kick-off meeting in Italy
YOUng Changemakers for Circular Local Economy:
took place in ILocal Social Impact Hub 11/07/2024 – 12/07/2024 in Athens , Greece.
YOUng Changemakers for Circular Local Economy:
took place in International training for youth 01/07/2024 – 05/07/2024 in Athens , Greece.
Youth Exchange 30/06/2024 – 06/07/2024 in Aguiar da Beira, Portugal
Youth Exchange 13/06/2024 – 20/06/2024 in Tykocin, Poland