EcoReactEU: Addressing Eco-Anxiety in Europe through Education and Action

 Partners Meeting in Italy


On the 21st and 22nd of November 2024, the Transnational Partner Meeting of the EcoReactEU Project took place in Rome, Italy. During the meeting, the next steps of the project implementation were presented.


Critical aspects such as the project guidelines, further planning of dissemination activities as well as the efficient organization of the upcoming work packages were addressed, during the sessions.


This meeting comes within the framework of implementing the Erasmus+ KA2 EcoReactEU “Addressing Eco-Anxiety in Europe through Education and Action” project, which includes 4 organizations from 4 European countries. Those organizations are LaLigue de l’ enseignement- France (coordinator), Arci- Italy, Utrecht University- Netherlands and EKO- Greece.


Stay tuned for inspiring and visionary educational resources on the topic of eco-anxiety!


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