Congratulations on your interest to apply for this Erasmus+ Youth Exchange!
This application form will help us understand your motivation and interest for taking part in this exchange project abroad. Please fill out this form carefully and answer all the following questions. Answers have to be in ENGLISH. Our privacy policy guarantees complete confidentiality of the personal information you provide through this form.

For any information or support you may need please contact us at:


PLACE AND DATE: Slanic Moldova, Romania 15-28 November 2022 (14 days)
TRAVEL DATES: 15/11 (arrival) / 28/11 (departure)
PARTICIPANTS: 35 (5 from each organization)

** The project covers 100% of accommodation, meals, local transportation and  travel tickets (based on Erasmus+ Distance Calculator: maximum 275 EUROS for a round trip).

COUNTRIES: Bulgaria, Greece, Malta, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Turkey.
LANGUAGE: The working language will be English

Please, fill in this form in order to be considered for the selection            process:

The participants of this exchange should have strong interest & incentives to participate and disseminate the outcomes of this program. They should be concerned about social and cultural frameworks, open-minded and committed to the full length of the project, as well as eager to extend their knowledge and tolerance to diversity!