EKO is excited to share with you the INTRO version of the project result 2 “Guidebook”!
The “STEP-UP” is an Erasmus + KA2 project that aims to develop and test an all-in-one learning program to help migrant women strengthen their employability skills, fostering their awareness of the importance of upskilling possibilities, while getting a step further toward skills and the qualifications recognition.
An output of the initiative is the creation of a Guidebook for educators and facilitators working with migrant women. Its aim is to educate on the most common barriers that migrant women face in the labour market and offer suggestions and tips to tackle them and increase their employability.
Get ready for the full version of the Guidebook and follow our page!
#StepUp #SocialInclusion #ErasmusPlus
Click HERE for the English short version of the Guidebook.
Click HERE for the Greek short version of the Guidebook.