During the first day, moderated by the Greek team, the participants had the chance to create a team-building experience, in order to get to know each other and to share their expectations, goals, fears and contributions about the project.

Furthermore, every team had the chance to deepen their knowledge about Erasmus+, European Solidarity Corps Programme, Informal and Non-formal Education concepts by working in groups and presenting to the other participants
On the second day, the Estonian team undertook the role of moderators.
The day started with an activity fostering the creative thinking of participants, related to European values, diversity and inclusion.
The afternoon was dedicated to the role play, where participants had the chance to discuss, express and get in to role of diversities.

In addition, all the participants challenged themselves with how to face problems related with reintegration in the society.
On the third day, the hosting Portuguese team organised a trip to the beautiful surroundings of Braga.
Participants had the chance to discuss in dept about the topics of addictions and possible solutions to how to deal with them.
Throughout the afternoon, the group experienced a unique experiment – social circus – as a way to help people in need to recover from dependencies.
The most exciting part came at night, when the intercultural evening took place. Everyone was very intrigues by tasting Greek specialties.
The Greek team introduced the national dances and the gastronomic specialties of the country.

The exchange continued in the following days, firstly with a treasure hunt in the city center of Braga, with the purpose to discover the city and interact with locals on the issues of addictions among youngsters.
During the last day of the project, participants deepen their knowledge on the Eight Competences of YouthPass: for each competences, the moderator of the day (Italian team) prepared small interactive activities where participant understood the importance of Youth Exchange as personal development growth.
Some of these activities were: theatrical plays, discussion of entrepreneurial ideas, and improvement of communication skills.

Special thanks to
Thank you Centro de Solidariedade de Braga – CE.S.B team for making this project happen and offering our participants an amazing educational experience and lots of wonderful memories!
And of course, thank you Aggelos, Ioanna, Stefano, Rasa, Danai and Giorgos, members of team Greece, for being so collaborative, creative, open-minded and spirited participants, making this project richer with your presence!