Our Joint Paper and our Methodological Guide on Media Literacy and Citizen Journalism education are now published!

Our Joint Paper and our Methodological Guide on Media Literacy and Citizen Journalism education are now published!

Two important deliverables have been just completed and sent to the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), in the context of “Citizen Journalism Academy for Youth” (JOUR-YOU) project, funded by the Erasmus+ Programme.

The first output is a Stocktaking and Reflection paper on measures and policies for the promotion of Media Literacy and Citizen Journalism in the partner countries, which was jointly developed by all members of the Consortium. The paper assesses, for each partner country, the Media Landscape in terms of freedom of press, plurality, independence and social inclusiveness, as well as the level of development of community media. It also includes an analysis of the main training needs of young people concerning media literacy and citizen journalism in the partner countries, and provides recommendations with respect to measures and approaches tailored to meet those needs.

Go to the Stocktaking and Reflection Paper

The second output is a Methodological Guide for youth workers and educators interested in developing educational materials and events for training young people in media literacy and citizen journalism. The Guide provides a list of recommendations and issues to consider when designing Media Literacy and Citizen Journalism programs. Importantly, it also outlines a framework of competences that are necessary for starting with citizen journalism and for empowering community media, as well as a framework of non-formal education methodologies that can be used in the development of relevant education material.

Go to the Methodological Guide