On December 13th, 2024, a meeting of the Erasmus+ KA3 project, “VISYON,” took place both in person in Rome, Italy, hosted by CIAPE, and virtually.
During the final cross-interaction event, the partners meeting was held starting with a brief overview of the meeting’s objectives, followed by updates on the release of the short films on YouTube. Attention then was given to the ongoing dissemination efforts under Work Package 2 (WP2), with partners discussing progress and upcoming activities. The meeting also included a review of outstanding tasks for both WP2 and WP5, with a focus on finalizing deliverables and outlining the next steps within the project’s timeline. The meeting then proceeded with final details regarding the Rome Final Event. Next, FECE shared a detailed presentation on the impact analysis conducted, followed by Monomyths introducing the VYSION Toolkit. The meeting concluded with a Q&A session to answer any remaining questions, clarify concerns, and ensure all partners were on the same page regarding the next steps.
This meeting was part of the VISYON project, an initiative promoting youth participation and civic engagement across Europe. By providing young people with the tools to contribute to society, the project ensures they have a voice in shaping the future. Focused on the 11 European Youth Goals (EYG), it sparks discussions on the effectiveness of current policies and how they can better align with youth needs. Aligned with the EU Youth Strategy (2019-2027), the project centers on three main pillars: Engage, Connect, and Empower.