“Reality of youth work”
PROJECT SUMMARY: The main AIM of the project “Reality of Youth Work” is to present youth work in Latvia, exchange of experience with partners, improve working methods with youth from different backgrounds and strengthen cooperation of Programme and Partner countries in the field of youth.
PLACE AND DATE: Rezekne, Latvia 2 – 8 September 2022 (7 days)
TRAVEL DATES: 02/09/2022 (arrival)/ 08/09/2022 (departure)
PARTICIPANTS: 32 (2 from each organization)
** The project covers 100% of accommodation, meals, transportation and travel tickets (based on Erasmus+ Distance Calculator: maximum 275 EUROS for a round trip).
COUNTRIES: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Egypt, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Israel, Jordan, Malta, Portugal, Russian Federation, Spain, Moldova, Latvia
LANGUAGE: The working language will be English
•To learn about the reality of youth work in Latvia, Latgale region;
•To support understanding of youth work realities of participating countries;
•To improve working methods of organizations with youth from different backgrounds;
•To learn about youth work in towns and rural area and compare them;
•To foster partnership building between organizations from Programme and Partner countries;
•To explore the added value of the European dimension of youth initiatives;
•To facilitate the acquisition by participants of communication, teamwork and project management skills of international activities and networking;
•To understand the impact and social change a youth center can have within the local community;
•To increase the strategic thinking of youth workers in order to create long-term interventions for personal
and professional development of young people.