Stefano Esposito

Stefano Esposito is one of the lastest team members of EKO, after having successfully ended his Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs exchange.
Stefano is a political scientist who graduated for the bachelor studies in the University of Trieste in Political Science and International Affairs. After moving to Bologna, he continued his master studies in the University of Bologna – Alma Mater Studiorum, deepening his knowledge and expertise in the field of Local and Global Development.
During his academic path, Stefano has undertaken an international curriculum, having experienced two different Erasmus exchanges: the former it has taken place in Bucharest, Romania; while the latter has taken place in Tbilisi, Georgia.
Throughout the master experience, Stefano has enhanced his competences and skills within the field of europroject management, in the Ngo Aps Creativi 108. The master period has also allowed him to experience a internship towards the Embassy of Italy in Finland, where he had the chance to manage several international events such as Slush 2018, a big event related to start-up promotion.
Political Science and human rights towards vulnerable group have always been one of the major interests of Stefano, being active since High School. Firstly he experience different volunteering activities, both with orphans and with non-formal education for children in unworthy conditions. Though, the major focus in the international affairs and development concern the islamic culture and all the topic-related to international affairs in the MENA region. Indeed, the bachelor thesis focused on an analysis of the islamic state (Isis) propaganda, while the master thesis has the main focus on the migration policy of Morocco towards European Union and the return and reintegration policies within the Moroccan state.