Third transnational partner meeting (Gothenburg, Sweden)
EKO participated actively in the 3rd transnational partner meeting of SCRCE, monitoring the progress of the cross border circular economy project.
During this meeting, which took place on the 17th and 18th September 2019 in Goteborg, Sweden, the partners identified the major challenges enterprises and initiatives, who are trying to operate in accordance to circular economy principles are facing, on the basis of the case studies examined so far.
Our analysis, taking into account the inputs of the invited stakeholders, showed that these business cases are not operating in a large enough scale and are facing difficulties of financial sustainability.
The partners also discussed their results regarding how cultural differences may differentiate the most effective strategies for introducing circular economy in the business-, consumption- and everyday life models in the different participating countries.
Furthermore, during this meeting, the message to be spread during the final meeting in September 2020 was updated and defined in a more concrete manner, the publicity efforts up to now were evaluated and the dissemination strategy for the future was adapted to the current needs.
Integral part of the program were the study visits to “circular” start-ups.
Gaveriet, an old tannery by the river Säveån, has been renovated and transformed to a bakery, restaurant, café, shop, and conference halls, with the aim to promote innovative, sustainable and local, small-scale food production.
Kajodlingen is one of the largest urban farms in Europe, The driving force is to create a sustainable city with the help of a model for urban farming, which uses urban spaces (e.g. rooftops, unused harbour areas) and urban waste for the production of compost.
During this meeting EKO presented the recent developments on circular economy in Greece with a cross border dimension and reported on comparative data on developments in Europe and especially in the partner’s countries (Germany, Italy, Sweden and Greece).
For the presentation of circular economy case studies, please click here