Trust Yourself, Take Action
PROJECT SUMMARY: The project aims to raise the level of basic skills and competences of young people, to promote their participation in the labor market, social inclusion and solidarity in the EU, to strengthen the links between the youth and the labor market, to combat the unemployment problem of young people and to increase the participation of unemployed young people in the program. For 9 days in Malatya with young people from 4 different countries there will be held non-formal and experimental trainings, group works, simulation games, improvisational theaters, cultural events and other informal activities.
PLACE AND DATE: Malatya, Turkey 15-23 July 2022 (9 days)
TRAVEL DATES: 15/7 (arrival) / 23/7 (departure)
PARTICIPANTS: 40 (10 from each organization)
** The project covers 100% of accommodation, meals, transportation and travel tickets (based on Erasmus+ Distance Calculator: maximum 275 EUROS for a round trip).
COUNTRIES: Italy, Greece, Spain and Turkey
LANGUAGE: The working language will be English
1. Developing the skills of young people (leadership, management crisis, communication, problem-solving, time management and presentation skills)
2. Creating a Career Action Plan booklet to guide young people on how to develop their soft skills and plan their careers
3. Raising awareness in society about the importance of soft skills as a solution to the problem of youth unemployment
4. Becoming more familiar with what employers tend to look for in an employee at the time of hiring
5. Sharing experiences with their peers and discuss issues related to youth unemployment and employment in a broader perspective
6. Increasing the self-awareness and employability of newly graduated/unemployed youth by installing new hopes for their careers, contributing to their personal development
7. Informing about the Erasmus+ program and its opportunities