
Training Course 20/06/2024 – 26/06/2024 in Fafe, Portugal

EKO is happy to announce that one more amazing training course has been completed successfully. The project “Volunt4YOU(th)” united 30 youth workers from Portugal, Bulgaria, Greece, Ukraine, Italy, Lithuania, Spain, Romania, Latvia, and North Macedonia. The training was organized by the Portuguese organization AMA A VIDA and took place in Fafe  (Portugal) from 20 to 26 June 2024. 


Aims & Objectives of the project 


The aim of the training course “Volunt4YOU(th)” was to tackle the reduced civic engagement of youth, aiming to increase their participation in the activities of their communities, especially regarding volunteering. It also aimed to  develop key-competences for the participants to recognize and integrate the main forms of participation privileged by youth, and adapt their volunteering activities to include these forms of participation, revitalizing volunteering culture within the organizations. Additionally, to  draw some conclusions and good practices to work locally and to cooperate internationally to raise European values.


More specifically the objectives were:

  • To contribute to the rise of civic participation of European youth; 
  • To foster in youth workers the recognition of the current obstacles for youth participation;
  • To promote key-competences for them to recognize and integrate the alternative forms of participation valued by youth in their activities;
  • To support youth workers and organizations to improve and innovate their youth volunteering activities, as a means to promote European values and participation.


Workshops & Activities of the project 


Through this project, participants had the opportunity to work with a non-formal methodology on topics like civic participation, volunteering, and European values. During the project, the participants had the opportunity to join some digital tools like Padlet. Additionally, they shared their thoughts on creating an E-book that will focus on good practices in youth volunteering and their experience as a follow- up activity to ensure that the project’s impact extends beyond its formal duration, promoting a lasting legacy of learning, innovation, and cooperation in the field of youth volunteering.


It is an amazing opportunity and a great experience for EKO’s team


Dimitrios, Maria and Angelina were the amazing Greek team members whom we want to thank for all their contributions and collaboration throughout the project!


As EKO, we are very grateful for that amazing opportunity given to the Greek team. We thank our Portuguese partner AMA A VIDA and the members of the hosting organization for all their hard work and for creating such an impactful project!

Thank you – Ευχαριστούμε – Obrigado