Youth Exchange – Women designing their future with Fashion Design
PROJECT SUMMARY: To introduce the employment opportunities in the field of fashion design to unemployed young women in the studies to be carried out with the inclusion of the leader, to gain new skills that will increase their employability and entrepreneurship in this field. Young people participating in the project.
PLACE AND DATE: Yalova, Turkey 22 February – 02 March 2022 (9 days) TRAVEL DATES: 21/2 (arrival)/ 03/03 (departure) PARTICIPANTS: 45 (6 from each organization)
** The project covers 100% of accommodation, meals, local transportation and travel tickets (based on Erasmus+ Distance Calculator: maximum 275 EUROS for a round trip).
COUNTRIES: Turkey, Greece, Italy, Belgium and Portugal LANGUAGE: The working language will be English
OBJECTIVES: Having a business idea and a 6-month business plan as a result of the Entrepreneurship Workshops, the participants’ employment in the field of fashion design and entrepreneurship opportunities, their skills to increase their entrepreneurship in the field of fashion design. Having the Learning Goals Map, through individuals who are experts or entrepreneurs in their field, at least 5 different good reviewing the applications and sharing their knowledge and experience, the content, outputs and participants of the workshops in the project production of a magazine in order to reach more target audiences containing their experiences, to inspire young people, to create change to come together with successful women in order to enable them to have self-confidence, employment and entrepreneurship support informing them about the Erasmus+ program in order to learn how they can benefit, cultural activities among the youth of 5 countries. It is aimed to ensure change and to break possible prejudices.