PROJECT SUMMARY: The youth workers that will attend to the project in youth work in areas such as
environment, culture and arts, entrepreneurship, sustainable development, disability, social innovation, gender equality, human rights, and ICT technologies.
Unfortunately, small NGOs with poor financial and human capacity cannot fully use digital media tools to establish effective communication, to reach more young people and to share their experiences and to involve the target audience in the process.
PLACE AND DATE: Brussels, Belgium 1 – 8 August 2022 (8 days)
TRAVEL DATES: 1/8 (arrival) / 8/8 (departure)
PARTICIPANTS: 45 (5 from each organization)
** The project covers 100% of accommodation, meals, transportation and travel tickets (based on Erasmus+ Distance Calculator: maximum 275 EUROS for a round trip).
COUNTRIES: Luxembourg, Greece, Slovakia, Lithuania, Italy, Poland and Hungary, Estonia, Turkey
LANGUAGE: The working language will be English
– Recognize the Erasmus + opportunities that the groups they work with can benefit from.
– Learn what the Europass CV and Youthpass concepts can be applied to their participants and what they do.
– Learn from experts in ICT, distance education, STEM and digital teaching methods.
– Understand the impact of digitalization on youth work and youth and the importance of how it shapes societies;
– Transfer good practices to their own work.