PROJECT SUMMARY: Youth Action for Europe will empower young people to become active citizens and through the activities to contribute to the sustainable development of democratic societies across Europe. The project will encourage civil responsibility and engage young people in the civic life of their communities. It will facilitate the development of the necessary skills, knowledge, values and motivation to change their lives and make a positive change in their communities. Through civic and non-formal education, young people from six European countries will develop their soft and leadership skills such as civic awareness, critical and analytical thinking, intercultural competences, promoting European citizenship and engaging in the social and democratic life of their communities. This will raise young people’s awareness of democracy, human rights and increase their civic participation. The project will contribute to the improvement of the work of youth organisations in promoting democratic values and building competencies in young people for the active contribution to society.
PLACE AND DATE: Varna, Bulgaria 17- 21 May 2022 (5 days)
TRAVEL DATES: 16/05 (arrival)/ 22/05(departure)
PARTICIPANTS:25 (5 per country from each organization)
** The project covers 100% of accommodation, meals, local transportation and travel tickets (based on Erasmus+ Distance Calculator: maximum 275 EUROS for a round trip).
COUNTRIES: Bulgaria, Serbia, North Macedonia, Hungary, Greece, and Romania
LANGUAGE: The working language will be English
•To develop key skills of young people such as civic awareness,critical thinking, integrated problem solving, as well as skillsfor argumentation and constructive participation in communityactivities
•To promote European citizenship and involving young people inthe social and democratic life of their communities
•To raise awareness among young people about democracy andhuman rights and increase their civic participation, and thusmake young people active citizens and informed about theirfuture
•To improve the work of youth organisations in promotingdemocratic values and building competencies in young peoplefor active contribution to society.