PROJECT SUMMARY: The increasing amount of packaging waste collected and recycled every year also contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The Zero-waste recycling project and the situation in Turkey has been evolving more and more. The research show that after the Industrial Era, the Recycling Period is followed. The project draws attention to this issue and wants to contribute to the national recycling action plan, especially the zero waste policy of Turkey.
PLACE AND DATE: Trabzon 16-24 February 2022 (9 days) TRAVEL DATES: 16/2 (arrival)/24/2 (departure) PARTICIPANTS: 45 (9 from each organization)
** The project covers 100% of accommodation, meals, local transportation and travel tickets (based on Erasmus+ Distance Calculator: maximum 275 EUROS for a round trip).
COUNTRIES: Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Romania and Turkey LANGUAGE: The working language will be English
OBJECTIVES: The project aims to increase the awareness of the waste sector, a growing market for youth employment in Europe, among young people in our country and to gain new entrepreneurship skills in this field.
The participants of this exchange should have strong interest & incentives to participate and disseminate the outcomes of this program. They should be concerned about social and cultural frameworks, open-minded and committed to the full length of the project, as well as eager to extend their knowledge and tolerance to diversity!