Youth in Balance-Strengthening Mental Health and increasing the quality of life

Youth Exchange 30/06/2024 – 06/07/2024 in Aguiar da Beira, Portugal

EKO is happy to announce that one more amazing youth exchange has been completed successfully. The project Youth in Balance-Strengthening Mental Health and increasing the quality of life” united 44 young people from Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Greece, Italy, Spain, Slovakia, Romania. It was organized by the Portuguese organization “Agrupamento de Escolas de Aguiar da Beira” and took place in Aguiar da Beira, (Portugal) from 30 June to 06 July 2024. 


Aims & Objectives of the project 


The aim of the youth exchange “YOUTH IN BALANCE was to develop innovative intervention actions adjusted to the real needs and challenges of young people, helping them to build happier and more successful futures on a personal level, social, professional, etc., which will contribute in the medium and long term to an improvement in their quality of life and mental health.


More specifically the objectives were:


  • Understanding mental health and quality of life 
  • Learning how to battle hardships, make a better future

Workshops & Activities of the project 


Through this project, participants had the opportunity to get better in some key competencies such as multilingual competence, personal, social and learning to learn competence. Participants had the opportunity to work with a non-formal methodology on topics like mental health, quality of life for young people and self improvement. The exchange included workshops and non-formal educational activities such as Group work, Group Dynamics, Sports in Nature, Multicultural Activities, Sharing of results.


It is an amazing opportunity and a great experience for EKO’s team


Konstantinos, Rafaela, Olga, Charalampos, Konstantinos and Parthenopi were the amazing Greek team members whom we want to thank for all their contributions and collaboration throughout the project!


As EKO, we are very grateful for that amazing opportunity given to the Greek team. We thank our Portuguese partner Agrupamento de Escolas de Aguiar da Beira and the members of the hosting organization for all their hard work and for creating such an impactful project!

Thank you – Ευχαριστούμε – Obrigado!