YETC – Action Plan for Promoting Entrepreneurial Skills and Learning is now Available!

We are proud and excited to announce that the first result of the project Young Entrepreneurs in Time of Crisis is completed and available online! Together with the partners, we conducted a survey among young people to analyze their current needs and skills mismatches in entrepreneurship and youth activism. Based on the survey results and desk research on national and […]

Our Joint Paper and our Methodological Guide on Media Literacy and Citizen Journalism education are now published!

Two important deliverables have been just completed and sent to the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), in the context of “Citizen Journalism Academy for Youth” (JOUR-YOU) project, funded by the Erasmus+ Programme. The first output is a Stocktaking and Reflection paper on measures and policies for the promotion of Media Literacy and Citizen Journalism in the partner countries, […]

1st International Training for Disability – EPUG

EPUG (Environmental protection unites generations) is an Erasmus + KA210–ADU – Small-scale partnerships in the adult education project whose objective is to develop the competencies and exchange experiences of the foundation’s and partner organisation’s educational staff in the field of educating the public about sustainable development and ecology.   1st #EPUG Training: #MissionAccomplished!The first training course of the #EPUG project has been successfully completed! The […]

JOVID – Digital Job

The mobile APP, JOVID-19, is conceived to provide an innovative platform where potential employers of digital services and young jobseekers can meet and work together. Its innovation comes from the application of the crowdsourcing concept to job search presenting a new way to get a job in relation to other alternatives that exist in the market. Through this crowdsourcing concept, […]

First TPM in Italy – PEC (Employ Yourself in Culture)

First TPM in Italy – PEC (Employ Yourself in Culture) #workinprogressWe are happy to announce that EKO is working hard in the context of an interesting, promising, and creative project “Podcast Employ yourself in Culture” – PEC, as one of the partners of a new European consortium consisting of: the coordinator “Asociación Cultural Integra” from Spain, “Mosaic Politismos & Dimiourgikotita” […]

YETC – Work in Progress

Have you ever had a business idea, but felt unprepared to launch it because of a lack of knowledge, courage, or motivation? 🤔 Do you have an entrepreneurship mindset, but you think you miss specific skills and competencies? 🤓 We have good news for you! 📣 EKO Greece, together with the five other experienced NGOs from Bulgaria, Italy, North Macedonia, […]

STEP – UP Project Approved

EKO’s team received some great news today! The Erasmus+ KA220 “STEP-UP (Sustainability skills entrepreneurial mind set to foster migrant women employability and upskilling possibilities)” applied by our Swedish partner, I-FALL is approved for funding! The overall objective of this project is to develop and test an all-in-one learning program to help migrant women in strengthening their employability skills, fostering their […]

Kick-Off Meeting & Seminar for Youth Workers “Citizen Journalism Academy for Youth” successfully completed!

A double event (Kick-Off meeting & Seminar of Youth Workers) hosted in Tirana, Albania, in the beginning of April (20-22.04.2022) marked the beginning of activities of “Citizen Journalism Academy for Youth” (JOUR-YOU) project, funded by the Erasmus+ Programme! The Kick-Off meeting was attended by project managers of all partners, who reviewed the objectives, activities, deliverables and expected impact of JOUR-YOU […]