‘Podcast – Learning, Teaching Training activity in La Coruña, Spain
From September 20th to 22nd, 2023, EKO’s team had the incredible
opportunity to participate in the Learning Training Teaching (LTT) event in the beautiful city of Coruna, Spain.
From September 20th to 22nd, 2023, EKO’s team had the incredible
opportunity to participate in the Learning Training Teaching (LTT) event in the beautiful city of Coruna, Spain.
The International Academy took place from 11 until 15 September 2023 in Sofia, Bulgaria, and focused on transferring all the new tools of citizen journalism and media literacy to the young participants. The training was attended by young people from all the 7 partner countries, including Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Albania, Tunisia, Jordan and Egypt. During the event, the youngsters had […]
Announcement: PRO(F)LITERACY 2.0 project has been approved!
Young Entrepreneurs in Time of Crisis project almost reached its end! During the project, we created various materials to Boost entrepreneurial minds, so we invite you to attend the final Conference of the project, where you will have a chance to: – Get to know about the new tools to learn the art of entrepreneurship created during the project implementation; […]
This course is designed to equip aspiring entrepreneurs, youth workers, and young people with the necessary knowledge and tools to become successful entrepreneurs. With the support of 5 different partners from Europe, this online course on entrepreneurship offers everything that you would need to kick-start your entrepreneurship journey.The course provides systematic information and guidance on the main steps of starting […]
The field of entrepreneurship experienced both disruptions and opportunities during the Covid-19 pandemic. Even though not a conventional sector of the economy like healthcare, manufacturing or finance, entrepreneurship still underwent significant changes during, after and before the crisis.With rising levels before the pandemic, entrepreneurship was increasing globally, with more and more people starting their businesses.However, the pandemic disrupted the upward […]
The Online Course was specifically designed to deliver free-of-charge lessons on Citizen Journalism. The Online Course consists of 7 units in total, including educational videos in each unit, an introduction to each theme, subcategories, study cases, quizzes, assignments, and a bibliography for further research. The platform contains information about the definition and origin of citizen journalism, citizen journalism as a […]
In this training toolkit you will find 30 tools for non-formal learning that young people working in the youth field can use to introduce them to the basics of citizen journalism and media literacy. The focus is on developing skills to search and process information, detect and identify fake news, create content and distribute it through social media and other […]
In this inspiring guide, you’ll find 21 examples of citizen journalism done right. The guide is divided into four thematic categories: Online Journals, Data Control Platforms, Educational Initiatives, Online Safety and Professional Support Programmes. We aimed to provide a detailed analysis of each example, answering the three key questions: what makes the example great, how it makes a difference, and […]
Erasmus+ KA2, Slovenia.