EKO is happy to announce that one more amazing youth exchange has been successfully completed. The project “JOBCAST” united 25 young participants from France, Greece, Italy, Spain and Slovenia.

JOUR YOU – International Academy For Young Leaders

The International Academy took place from 11 until 15 September 2023 in Sofia, Bulgaria, and focused on transferring all the new tools of citizen journalism and media literacy to the young participants. The training was attended by young people from all the 7 partner countries, including Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Albania, Tunisia, Jordan and Egypt. During the event, the youngsters had […]


Summer Youth Exchange Getxo_Athens 2023 [Part Β] Youth exchange 11/07/2023 – 17/07/2023 in Athens, Greece EKO is happy to announce that the second mobility of our bilateral youth exchange has been successfully completed. The project “Summer Youth Exchange Getxo_Athens 2023” united 24 young participants from Greece and Spain. It was organized by the Spanish organization Aisibizia Elkartea, and took place […]