“#GREENFLUENCERS, Youth workers for a greener future” KA205 project approved!

“#GREENFLUENCERS, Youth workers for a greener future” KA205 project approved!

EKO is happy to announce that the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership for Youth project with the title #GREENFLUENCERS, developed and submitted by our Spanish partners, LA VÍBRIA INTERCULTURAL was successfully approved!

The great environmental and sustainability issues the planet is facing have been on the current political agenda of governments, organizations and entities for years.

#GREENFLUENCERS project is closely linked to these problems and in tune with the Action Program on the Environment of the European Union, which has the objective of building a future where we live in a society where nothing is thrown away, natural resources are managed sustainably, the health of citizens is protected against environmental degradation and biodiversity is protected, valued and restored.

The project involves an international consortium of NGOs (LA VÍBRIA INTERCULTURAL from Spain, EKO from Greece, AJITER from Portugal,  Associazione Link from Italy, EPEKA from Slovenia) that will join forces to:

  • Share good practices in the field of environmental awareness among associations that work directly with young people
  • Spread the “Zero Waste” philosophy and the concept of circular economy, while highlighting alternatives to traditional forms of consumption
  • Promote a sustainable and healthy lifestyle among young people
  • Find joint solutions to environmental challenges at local and European level
  • Contribute to making environmental policies a priority on the local, regional and European political agenda

EKO’s team is more than ready to accept the challenge and, together with our partners, work hard to provide the young generation with the tools and support they need to change their lifestyle and their society in a way that secures a “green” and viable future for all living beings!