“Intercultural Action Competence Tool” KA205 project approved!
Great news for EKO!!
The Erasmus+ KA205 project “Intercultural Action Competence Tool” (InterACT) applied by our German partner, KulturLife, has been approved!
InterAct is a very ambitious and challenging project, that aims to make intercultural learning – which takes place mostly in nonformal settings and in a quite often implicit way – explicit and embedded into a comprehensive learning process, thereby, supporting and enhancing the value of any youth mobility.
InterAct will involve an international consortium of experienced NGOs and youth organizations (KulturLlife from Germany, EKO from Greece, yEUth from the Netherlands, Mobilizing Expertise AB from Sweden, Education In An Interdependent World from Belgium), Institutes (Dun Laoghaire Institute from Ireland) and Universities (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Netherlands) that will work together to achieve the project’s goals.
Through the course of the project the partners will develop a complete collection of tools organized around a web-based app that will both teach and validate learning of Intercultural Action Competences (IAC). This app will allow:
• the youth worker to easily integrate practical exercises, games and reflective elements into the creation of international encounters (Intellectual Output 1),
• the young participant to dive deeper into the world of interculturality and monitor their own learning progress (Intellectual Output 2),
• help the participant to use his competences in the labout market to promote his or her employability (Intellectual Output 3) and
• include a policy paper to be used by decision makers on various levels to help promote IAC in different levels (Intellectual Output 4)
EKO is delighted to begin InterACT’s two-and-a-half years journey, and help youth across Europe gain a deeper understanding of the value of intercultural communication and have better opportunities to interact purposefully with members of other cultures!