The project Solidarity for the Environment (SOLEN) was a transnational initiative for fifty-nine (59) young people aged 18-30 from nine different countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Egypt, Greece, Jordan, Italy, Spain and Turkey). This Youth Exchange took place in Athens, Greece from October 2 to 9, 2017, and was planned, organized and coordinated by EKO.

The main objective of the project was to raise environmental awareness of young people, to make them realize the necessity for respecting the ecosystem of each participant country and inspire them to become active stakeholders in the urgent work for a sustainable future in their local context and beyond.

The participants had the opportunity to exchange experiences and knowledge about various environmental issues and problems at the national and global level, as well as to exchange best practices for environmental protection and propose solutions for global warming and major environmental challenges. During the cultural visits in Athens participants were offered important input on Greek history, culture and everyday socio-economic life of the Athenians. Through a series of intercultural nights the participants came to appreciate each participant country’s culture. Many discoveries of each other took place, while lots of friendships were developed.

The objectives of the project were achieved with great success, as the environmental consciousness, intercultural competences and active citizenship attitude of the young participants were substantially enhanced. In addition, a dynamic Organizations’ Network with similar insights and expectations was formed. The partners agreed to continue our collaboration in future projects with related content, as the experience derived from SOLEN was thought to be extremely fruitful for all.

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