VISYON’s 8th Press Release
Visyon's 8th Press Release is out now!
“Values, Ideas and Stories from Youth ON stage – VISYON” is a 24-month long Erasmus+ KA3 European Youth Together project that aims to encourage youth’s social and civic engagement and ensure that young people have the necessary resources to participate fully in society.
The project is based on the 11 European Youth Goals (EYG) and designed to support the implementation of the EU Youth Strategy (2019-2027) by focusing on its three main areas of action: Engage, Connect, and Empower.
March 1st 2023 – February 28th 2025
The scope of the VISYON project is to create a network of organizations in 8 European countries, that will give young Europeans the necessary tools and a forum to talk about their needs and desires, voice their concerns and challenges, and share their stories, so as to encourage a vivid discussion about the efficacy of current European policies in serving the needs of the European youth and ways for their improvement.
The first part of the project will be dedicated to connect, engage and empower young people at a local level. Each partner will organize local workshops and debates, during which the participants (groups of 8-10 young people) will get familiarized with the 11 Youth Goals and the relevant policies, will be trained to represent themselves and their opinions in front of institutions and any kind of public, will learn how to develop and publicize content responsibly avoiding the risk of misinformation and biased presentations and will encourage peers from their local community to also raise their voices and share their stories and views publicly. Then, each group will be asked to select 1 topic of interest (corresponding to one of the 11 European Youth Goals), around which they will work on a script for a short movie. Eleven scripts will be finalized and during an International Youth Mobility and then will be turned into short movies with the support of a professional production agency, forming together the first European series integrally written and realized by young people.
Through the project’s communication and reach-out activities the collected youth recommendations according to the project’s results will be presented at the level of local authorities, as well as representatives of the European Commission.
To EMPOWER YOUTH through a series of local trainings and events on the 11 European Youth Goals, on the Digital Storytelling methods and on principles of Media Literacy and responsible media production!
To CONNECT YOUTH through the creation of stable working groups of participants, who will collaborate to create the scripts for a series of 11 short movies on European Youth Goals and meet in an international event to shoot the videos!
To ENGAGE YOUTH through the creation of a European Youth Diary that will combine the voices of more than 250 youngsters all over Europe with regards to their views on the current European policies’ efficiency to achieve the European Youth Goals and their suggestions for improvement!
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A compilation of stories, views, and recommendations of 267 young European citizens reflecting the current state of European policies efficiency to achieve the defined European Youth Goals and enlist a series of ways for its improvement.
The heroes of the short movies will be young Europeans (e.g. fictional characters inspired by real youngsters who gave interviews), who manage to change some issues they face in their community (11 Videos, EN, 5-7 mins each).
The result of the countries’ scripts revision and creation of 2 new scripts during the International Mobility, and the work of the Italian local group on the last script after the Mobility. The final stories will be used for the realisation of the video in the next phase of the project.
Each local working group will produce a script (in English) for a short movie to be presented during the International Mobility (in total 8 scripts). Each script will address a specific topic (one of the 11 EYG) and present a fictional story, based on the stories of young Europeans gathered during the interviews process.
From Local to Global: Youth Making an Impact!