Youth Work

EKO implements a wide range of youth-work activities aiming to serve key needs & aspirations of young people, to empower young people at a personal, social & professional level and foster an attitude of active, interculturally competent, and socially & environmentally responsible citizenship.

At the European level, our organization has planned and implemented multiple Erasmus+ Youth Mobility Programs, as the coordinating partner, involving many partners and youth from Europe, MENA and neighboring countries on various fields of interest related to the objectives of its statutes:


Moreover, EKO has participated as a sending partner in over 40 Erasmus+ Youth Mobility projects in the context of promoting intercultural exchanges, solidarity and peace, human rights, sustainable development and active citizenship, sharing its know-how on tools and methods of non-formal education and life- long learning.

On the basis of our extensive experience in KA1 Erasmus+ projects design and coordination, in 2019, EKO was invited by the Greek National Agency to present best practices for project planning and implementation, as well as innovative non-formal education approaches to members of organizations or informal youth groups new to Erasmus+ in the context of the annual TCA Seminar.

At a local level, EKO operates a Youth Club open to all interested youngsters, in the context of which we organize non-formal education workshops aiming to enhance key transferrable skills and competences of young people (communication, cooperation, creativity, intercultural and digital skills), and foster an attitude of active participation, while also providing support youth groups in developing their own initiatives and local activities in order to help them become competent multipliers and agents of positive social change.

Other relevant youth-work activities of our NGO include:

      • Organization of Info-Days open to young people on opportunities offered by the Erasmus+ umbrella, in collaboration with local Universities (NKUA, UNIWA, AUEB)
      • Organization of seminars and workshops for informal youth groups and newcoming organizations on proposal writing and management skills
      • Development of on-line workshops and informational material on non-formal education, life-long learning, intercultural dialogue, environmental awareness and other subjects aiming to empower youth and enhance participatory approach through civil society actions
      • Participation in Volunteer Exchange and Vocational Training programs (EVS, Leonardo, KEK placements, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs)
      • Promotion, awareness and active engagement activities in the European Youth Week, Erasmus+ Days, EU Green Week and other initiatives in collaboration with local schools, Foundations and NGOs
      • Implementing educational/cultural projects with European Foundations for the support and inclusion of their school children and youngsters with special socio-economic needs, poor family conditions and orphans in collaboration with the Greek Foundation Hatzinkosta.