Youth Comp: Social Entrepreneurship for Young People

Youth Comp: Social Entrepreneurship for Young People Youth Exchange 01/06/2023 – 09/06/2023 in Guimarães, Portugal EKO is happy to announce that one more amazing youth exchange has been successfully completed. The project “Youth Comp: Social Entrepreneurship for Young People” united 36 young participants from Portugal, Greece, Estonia, Cyprus, Croatia, Poland and Netherlands. It was organized by the Italian organization Proacting […]


Cities of tomorrow Youth Exchange 20/05/2023 – 27/05/2023 in Sevilla, Spain EKO is happy to announce that one more amazing youth exchange has been successfully completed. The project “Cities of tomorrow” united 22 young people from Italy, Greece, Portugal and Spain. It was coordinated by the Spanish organization Ecolucion, and took place in Sevilla, Spain from the 20th of May […]

It’s All Green

It’s All Green to Me Training Course 03/05/2023 – 10/05/2023 in Pedoulas, Cyprus EKO is happy to announce that one more amazing training course  has been successfully completed. The project “It’s All Green to Me” united 24 young participants from Portugal, Greece, Belgium, Croatia, Netherlands, Cyprus, Hungary and Italy. It was organized by the Italian organization PlanBe (Plan It, Be […]


Build Peace: Master’s of Thoughts: Kant, Erasmus, Mevlana (KEM) Youth Exchange 25/04/2023 – 03/05/2023 in Frankfurt, Germany EKO is happy to announce that one more amazing youth exchange has been successfully completed. The project “Build Peace: Master’s of Thoughts: Kant, Erasmus, Mevlana (KEM) ” united 39 young people from Turkey, Greece, Netherlands, Poland, Germany and Estonia. It was coordinated by […]


Youth Say No! To Gender Based Violence  Youth Exchange 17/04/2023 – 21/04/2023 in Guimarães, Portugal  EKO is happy to announce that one more amazing youth exchange has been successfully completed. The project “Youth Says No! To Gender Based Violence” united 35 young participants from Portugal, Greece, Romania, Spain and Latvia. It was organized by the Portuguese organization ADDHG, and took […]

GRIN: Green Influencers

GRIN: Green Influencers Youth Exchange 12/04/2023 – 20/04/2023 in Matera, Italy EKO is happy to announce that one more amazing youth exchange has been successfully completed. The project “GRIN” united 25 young participants from Portugal, Greece, France, Spain and Italy. It was organized by the Italian organization Associazione Link, and took place in Matera (Italy) from 12  to 20 of […]

VISYON_1st Press Release

VISYON_1st Press Release EU offers great opportunities for young people around Europe through multiple programmes and initiatives such as: Erasmus+ projects, European Solidarity Corps Opportunities, DiscoverEU and more! Still, many young people report low levels of knowledge of the EU and its functions, they feel that they do not receive enough information about it and do not know how citizens […]

Meet the GREEK VISYON’ers

11 young people from all over Greece have taken part to the engaging local trainings with which VISYON has finally landed in Athens! During these 3 immersive days passed together, our group was introduced to the European Youth Goals and explored the related concepts of Media Literacy and Digital Storytelling by simulating social media campaigns, participating to moving debates and […]

Διεξαγωγή́ Εκπαιδευτικού́ Εργαστηρίου

ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΤΥΠΟΥ Διεξαγωγή́ Εκπαιδευτικού́ Εργαστηρίου, Αθήνα, Μάιος 30-31, 2023 «Ενεργοί Παρατηρητές και Ενεργοί Αποτροπείς: Προλαμβάνοντας την Έ μφυλη Βίαστη ζωή́ των Νέων» Στο πλαίσιο του έργου «Ενεργοί Παρατηρητές και Ενεργοί Αποτροπείς: Προλαμβάνοντας την Έμφυλη Βία στη ζωή των Νέων», η EKO- «Όμιλος για την Επιχειρηματικότητα και την Κοινωνική Οικονομία» διοργάνωσε, με επιτυχία, εκπαιδευτικό εργαστήριο στην Αθήνα, με ομάδα στόχου εργαζόμενους […]

JOUR-YOU: Local Training in Egypt

“JOUR-YOU” 3-day Local Workshop was successfully implemented in Cairo, Egypt on May 21 – 23, 2023! The workshop was organized in the context of the KA2 “Citizen Journalism Academy” project, funded by Erasmus+ programme, which aims at promoting citizen journalism and media literacy as a means of effective participation in society, and at enhancing the leadership and organizational skills of […]