TPM 1 – InterAct
1st Transnational Meeting (Kiel, Germany)
The first Transnational Partner Meeting (TPM) of KA205 project – “Intercultural Action Competence Tool” (InterACT) was held on 27.09-28.09 2021 hosted by “KulturLife”.
During the project’s Transnational Partner Meeting, the partners’ representatives discussed about the completed steps in the development of the first Intellectual Output (IO1), about the progress achieved on the basis of the project’s objectives, as well as about important organizational matters for the next period of implementation. The meeting was coordinated by the the leading partner, KulturLife, and was attended by representatives of all partners.
Day 1
The meeting started with an introduction of the consortium and the expertise they will bring to the next phase of the project. After a short overview of the milestones reached, KulturLife provided the guidelines regarding future proceedings and pending tasks.
A representative of the Swedish partner (Mobilizing Expertise) presented the dissemination plan, with tasks and duties of the consortium in order to achieve an effective promotion of the project. Furthermore, the consortium discussed and agreed on the creation of an Instagram account to better promote the project amongst youth, asking for the support of EKO and yEUth to prepare some templates for the social media.
A detailed presentation of the Partnership Agreements’ provisions was delivered by the hosting coordinator KulturLife. The last session of the project’s introduction was devoted to the presentation of the Financial Management, namely the financial and contractual rules as stipulated from the Grant Agreement.
The afternoon was devoted to the presentation of the University of Groningen about the content of the IO1. The first Intellectual Output aims at creating a structure of the web-based App based on the collected interviews and questionnaires.
The web-based App will be structured on three phases: before, during and after (Exchange). The main message will be that no matter what knowledge you have on intercultural aspects and differences, there is always space for improvements and that the web-based App itself will accompany through this process.
Click on the links below for the Presentations of Day 1:
Overview of InterAct project progress
Towards IO1: Research Foundations, App Structure, Data Analysis
Day 2
The second day started with a presentation, by KulturLife, of a Multiplier Event that they implement in the context of another KA2 project (i.e. Employability of refugees in the labour market through self-employment).
During the second part of the morning, the leading partner presented the To do list of the following steps of the project as a whole and the reporting necessities, as well as the option to move the third TPM from Brussels to Dublin, due to specific reasons for the implementation of the project (implementation of the IO1 from the Irish partner, IADT).
The partners discussed about the next steps to undertake, together with the finalisation of the last details for the next TPM, which will take place in Groningen in late February. Afterwards, the Dutch partner (University of Groningen) asked for the support and the feedback from the consortium about the messages to deliver to the young participants, according to the expertise of the youth organizations involved (EKO and stitching yEUth).
Eventually, the partners discussed about how to enrich the sustainability strategy of the project through social media channels and other available platforms online (e.g. SALTO-Youth), as well as how to start developing the second IO related to the creation of a Handbook for Youth Workers based on the implementation of the web-based App.