“START-U: Defining (inclusive) paths to start (new) lives”

#Erasmuslife  EKO’s team participates in another Erasmus+ project in Portugal!   The training course which is part of the KA2 project “START-U: Defining (inclusive) paths to start (new) lives” takes place in the beautiful city of Porto in Portugal and is organized by the lead partner ANJE – Associação Nacional de Jovens Empresários   The project aims to foster the social and professional inclusion […]

YETC – Action Plan for Promoting Entrepreneurial Skills and Learning is now Available!

We are proud and excited to announce that the first result of the project Young Entrepreneurs in Time of Crisis is completed and available online! Together with the partners, we conducted a survey among young people to analyze their current needs and skills mismatches in entrepreneurship and youth activism. Based on the survey results and desk research on national and […]


The project under the title ”You(th)Rright! Human Rights- Consciousness for Youth Workers” took place in Ommen, the Netherlands during the period of 29/09/2022 – 10/ 10/ 2022 and was hosted by the Dutch Organisation “yEUth”.

Virus on the Job Market

The project under the title ‘’Virus on the job market’’ took place in a graphic scenery in Gdynia in Poland, on 22 – 30 of September 2022 hosted by the Polish Association ‘’Strategic Partnership Institute’’.