Go for Green – Sports and nature based activities to promoteyouth participation in fighting climate change
This project aims to co-create a practical guide for youth workers about social impact through circular economy.
This project aims to co-create a practical guide for youth workers about social impact through circular economy.
2nd Transnational Partners Meeting – EcoRoutes
This project aims to co-create a practical guide for youth workers about social impact through circular economy.
Discover the Beauty of Greece Through Eco-Friendly Routes
1st Transnational Partners Meeting – EcoRoutes
The Erasmus+ KA205 project “Start-U: Defining (inclusive) paths to star (new) lives” applied by our Portuguese partners ANJE- Associação Nacional de Jovens Empresários, has been approved for funding! Partners & Objectives Start-U will involve an international consortium of NGOs (from Portugal, Greece, North Macedonia and Croatia) that will work together to: Promote the empowerment of youth workers to improve their […]
Great news from the front! The Erasmus+ KA205 project “Youth Finance Academy” (YFA) applied by our Romanian partners, Monomyths association, has been approved! Amidst COVID-19 pandemic, which is painfully exposing the existing and persisting health, social and economic inequalities in our societies, the YFA seeks to address the urgent need for financial literacy educational programs – money knowledge, skills, and […]
Our common proposal with the Department of Communication and Media Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) for the project “Common curricula for diversity: education in media and integration of vulnerable groups” (ERMIScom) was approved by the State Scholarships Foundation (IKY)! ERMIScom is a KA203 – Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education project with a consortium of 6 […]