2nd International Training – CulturArt

CULTUR-(ART): Art & Culture for Youth Inclusion Second Mobility: Youth Exchange, 17 -23 April 2023, Aveiro – Portugal The second mobility, which was a youth exchange, took place in the graphic scenery of Santa Maria da Feira in Portugal, on 17/04/2023 – 23/04/2023 hosted by the Portuguese Association ‘’CiRAC – Círculo de Recreio, Arte e Cultura de Paços de Brandão’’ […]

JOUR-YOU 3rd Newsletter

HOME ABOUT US OUR PROJECTS OUR PUBLICATIONS NEWS WORK WITH US PIF JOUR-YOU 3rd NEWSLETTER What we did so far We were pleased to have 12 highly-motivated youth workers from Albania, Egypt, Jordan and Tunisia to our International Training on Citizen Journalism. The training started in Athens (from 14 to 16 March) where participants learnt more about the history and […]

JOUR-U: International Training in Athens

“JOUR-U: International Training for Youth Workers” was successfully implemented!Throughout the project, the youth workers traveled in 3 countries exploring different non formal methodologies and piloting our Toolkit!Do you want to become a citizen journalist? Follow our page or contact us!Special thanks to:- Our trainers @angeliki marinou and @stefano esposito- Our partners and their youth workers representatives- our invited guest @pishtinews@foundationece@maatfoundation@we_center@eurosud_ngo@asso.eve_euromed@peopleinfocusalbania#citizenjournalism […]

STEP-UP: Our manual for Facilitators is almost ready!

Our manual for Facilitators is almost ready!Main objective of the program is to help migrant women in strengthening their employability skills, fostering their awareness on the importance of upskilling possibilities, while getting a step further toward skills and the qualification’s recognition. The program offers a new way to build up migrant women’ motivation for improvement, using entrepreneurial mind set and […]

JOUR YOU – Special Guest: Pishtiwan Jaf

EKO is happy to share with you the successful implementation of the “JOUR-U: International Training for Youth Workers” that took place in Athens on 03-05 May 2023! Therefore, we would like to give special thanks to our invited guest @pishtinews for his exceptional contribution and commitment within the framework of the international training. Thanks to our special guest, the participants […]

2nd TPM PEC – Coruna (Spain)

2ND Transnational Partners Meeting #workinprogressThe 2nd Transnational Partner Meeting (TPM) of the project PEC – Podcast Employ Yourself in Culture took place on 28 of February2023 in Coruna, Spain. During the meeting, partners discussed the progress of the project results and set the schedule and activities for the upcoming months. We are in the middle of the PEC project implementation, and we […]

1st International Training – CulturArt

#EKOcam is back! Follow the journey of Youth Workers that met in Portugal to experience and learn more through non-formal activities about how to be more inclusive through art and culture. Are you curious? 🤔For more info, visit our website: https://ekogreece.com/ka210-cultur-art/ #ErasmusPlus #EKO #youth #youtheconnection #culture #trainingcourse #challenges #experience #art #innovations #solutions #ngo #ngosnetwork #networking #partnership #cooperation #youthworkers #youthempowerment #betterfuture

STEP – UP: Manual for Educators

The project under the title “STEP-UP: Sustainability skills entrepreneurial mind set to foster migrant women employability and upskilling possibilities” is a KA2 Erasmus+ project aiming at increasing migrant women employability skills gradually while raising their awareness on the importance of lifelong learning possibilities.  Follow the official website: http://step-up.myerasmus.net/ Follow the official facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php? id=100087742913943

SEE ME GR&OW Manual completed!

We are happy to announce that a Manual of good practices has been produced in the context of the Erasmus+ KA2 project “SEE ME GR&OW” which aimed to skill-up youth workers and those who are already self-employed, freelancers, and to provide business advice to improve soft skills, management skills and their future prospects for creating a sustainable entrepreneurial practice.The Manual […]