Erasmus + KA220 - “STEP-UP”

STEP-UP (Sustainability skills entrepreneurial mind set to foster migrant women employability and upskilling possibilities) is an Erasmus + KA220-ADU- Cooperation partnerships in adult education project that aims at to develop and test an all-in-one

learning program to help migrant women in strengthening their employability skills, fostering their awareness on the importance of upskilling possibilities, while getting a step further toward skills and the qualification’s recognition.



Migrant women represent around 46% of the migrant population in Europe (Eurostat, 2018). When they arrive in Europe, they face additional obstacles to integration compared to migrant men, often having to overcome structural barriers linked to their being both a migrant and female, including facing stereotypes (EC, 2020). While migrant men usually arrive alone, women more often join as a family member at a later stage, and are not considered as INDIVIDUALS but as a part of a FAMILY. This leads to their exclusion or limited access to integration support measures, skill assessments, training (Eurodiaconia, 2018:7) and with no competences, they are precluded from finding good jobs. Moreover, the COVID-19 crisis had a substantial impact on the EU labour market, with many workers losing their jobs or being placed under short-term work schemes. This makes the employment situation of migrant women more and more difficult.



Entrepreneurship And Social Economy Group (Greece)


Outputs & Results

  1. 1.Step-UP all in one learning program
  2. 2. Handbook for Educators and Facilitators
From our blog

Latest News

Successful implementation of the Step Up’s Multiplier Event

Successful implementation of the Step Up’s Multiplier Event

Successful implementation of the Step Up's Multiplier Event



Erasmus+ KA220 - “STEP-UP”

5-day Piloting Workshop with migrant/refugee women

5-day Piloting Workshop with migrant/refugee women

5-day Piloting Workshop with migrant/refugee women

Project Result 2 Full Version of the “Guidebook”

Project Result 2 Full Version of the “Guidebook”

Project Result 2 Full Version of the "Guidebook"

INTROduction of the Project Result 2 “Guidebook”

INTROduction of the Project Result 2 “Guidebook”

INTROduction of the Project Result 2 "Guidebook"

Project Result 1 – Manual For Educators

Project Result 1 – Manual For Educators

Project Result 1 - Manual For Educators

Transnational Partners Meeting in Ankara, Turkey

Transnational Partners Meeting in Ankara, Turkey

Transnational Partners Meeting in Ankara, Turkey

STEP-UP: Our manual for Facilitators is almost ready!

STEP-UP: Our manual for Facilitators is almost ready!

Our manual for Facilitators is almost ready!Main objective of the program is to help migrant women in strengthening their employability…

STEP – UP: Manual for Educators

STEP – UP: Manual for Educators

The project under the title “STEP-UP: Sustainability skills entrepreneurial mind set to foster migrant women employability and upskilling possibilities” is…

Transnational Partners Meeting in Torino, Italy

Transnational Partners Meeting in Torino, Italy

Transnational Partners Meeting in Torino, Italy The Transnational Partner Meeting took place on Wednesday 18th of January 2023 in Torino, Italy and…

Kick-Off Meeting for the STEP-UP project in Lund, Sweden

Kick-Off Meeting for the STEP-UP project in Lund, Sweden

Kick-Off Meeting for the STEP-UP project in Lund, Sweden

STEP – UP Project Approved

STEP – UP Project Approved

EKO’s team received some great news today! The Erasmus+ KA220 “STEP-UP (Sustainability skills entrepreneurial mind set to foster migrant women…