EKO and Caritas Hellas: Human Rights with Volunteering4Youth

EKO and Caritas Hellas For Human Rights with Volunteering4Youth Social Hub in Kypseli Market, Athens (Greece) 10 December, 2019 In the context of our Youth Club activities, EKO’s volunteers Gaia and Rosaria prepared, coordinated and implemented an intercultural dialogue & exchange on Human Rights. The event was organized in collaboration with Caritas Hellas and took place in their hub in […]

EKO joins European Development Network – EDN Summit 2019

European Development Network (EDN) Summit 2019  25 November- 2 December 2019 / Brussels, Belgium  A little time before 2019 is over, EKO joined the European Development Institute-EDI Summit, together with 33  other civil society actors from all over Europe, to work on the expansion of the European Development Network -EDN that supports its members create international effective cooperations and projects, […]

Academia in Dialogue: Radical Political Engagement in SEE

EKO PARTICIPATES IN PANEL DISCUSSION ABOUT RIGHT-WING RADICALIZATION Entrepreneurship and Social Economy group (EKO) is proud to announce that our President, Dr. K. Panourgia, has been invited as a panel speaker, in the upcoming conference on “Radical Political Engagement in Southeast Europe” (21-22 November 2019, Athens, Greece), by Friedrich Erbert Stiftung (FES). FES is the oldest non-profit political foundation in […]

Press Release: EKO’s and IAPD International Photo Contest & Photo Exhibition Event

EKO’s and IAPD International Photo Contest & Photo Exhibition Event“Peacemakers: Through your world I see mine”Athens, Greece27 October, 2019 EKO in collaboration with the International Alliance for Peace and Development co-organized the photo exhibition in Athens, Greece, on October 27, 2019, on the theme “PEACEMAKERS: Through Your World I See Mine”. The goal of this initiative was to tackle xenophobia […]

EKO invited to present Erasmus+ Best Practices

We are proud for the new developments of EKO’s role in the centre of the civil society work for youth empowerment in Greece. We are honoured to have been selected by the Greek National Agency of Erasmus+ to participate in the TCA Seminar “APPETIZER – An introduction on how to use the ‘Erasmus+ Youth in Action’ Programme for international youth […]

Third transnational partner meeting (Gothenburg, Sweden)

EKO participated actively in the 3rd transnational partner meeting of SCRCE, monitoring the progress of the cross border circular economy project. During this meeting, which took place on the 17th and 18th September 2019 in Goteborg, Sweden, the partners identified the major challenges enterprises and initiatives, who are trying to operate in accordance to circular economy principles are facing, on […]

Our Youth Projects

EKO, the Entrepreneurship and Social Economy Group, is a Non-Profit Organisation seated in Athens, Greece, in the fields of non-formal education, life-long learning, youth empowerment and the promotion of intercultural dialogue, active, through local activities and Erasmus+, European Solidarity Corps, European programs and EU funds. For more information about our Erasmus+ programs, click HERE! To find out more about our […]

Path to Success – Youth Exchange in Vienna

Our association, EKO Greece, was the Greek partner in the ERASMUS + KA1 Youth Exchange Project ”Path to success” which took place in Vienna, Austria, from 1-8 July 2019, and was organized by our colleagues and friends from the organization PS: EUROPE (Political and Social Research Institute of Europe). This project was a transnational initiative which united thirty-six (36) young […]

Observation of the Referendum for the Constitutional Amendments in Egypt

From April 20 to April 22 2019 Egypt set a referendum for the constitutional amendments. Thanks to EKO Organization, one of our volunteers had the opportunity to go to Cairo and participate in the referendum as an international observer, together with other international observers who were part of a Delegation of legal representation before the National Elections Commission in accordance […]