#Greenfluencers: Local Group Opening Event completed!

The Opening Event of the #Greenfluencers project has been successful! The Local Group of #Greenfluencers in Athens is now ready to start acting locally! During the Opening Event (July 31, 2021), the members of the local group had the chance to get to know each other, and discover each one’s green habits and environmental issues they are most concerned about […]

#Greenfluencers: 1st Training event in Azores successfully Completed

The first training event of the #Greenfluencers project in the Azores has been successfully completed, after some very intense days of activities (June 14-18, 2021) with our project partners from Spain (La Vibria Interculutral), Italy (Associazione Link), Slovenia (EPEKA Slovenia) and our hosting partner from Portugal (AJITER). During this training we focused on the topic of Sustainable Entrepreneurship, and explored […]

“InterAct” Second Partnership meeting successfully completed

The second partnership meeting of InterACT project has been successfully completed today! The partner youth organizations (KulturLife from Germany, EKO from Greece, yEUth from the Netherlands, Mobilizing Expertise from Sweden, Education for an Interdependent World from Belgium) presented and discussed their findings on young people’s and youth workers’ needs, in terms of tools facilitating Intercultural Action Competences (IAC) development and […]

Our handbook on gender-based violence prevention in youth work is now published!

This handbook aims to facilitate the empowerment of youth activists and youth workers who are gender diversity and LGBTIQ rights advocates to work with youth in tackling gender-based violence with inclusion, recognition, and diversity.  To build an understanding about gender-based violence, its consequences, and how it can be tackled, the handbook begins by exploring the concept of gender; the relationship […]

EKO participates in Wegozero Bike tour to promote sustainable practices!

Amid difficult Covid times, EKO had the pleasure to participate in a 2-hour pilot bike tour organised by, a Dutch organisation aiming to promote a “Zero Waste” lifestyle, on Monday morning, April 26, 2021, and sponsored by bFlex and COCO-MAT! The bike tour focused on visiting different second-hand clothes shops in order to increase the awareness of circular economy […]

“InterAct” Kick-Off meeting successfully Completed

Great news for you, EKO, and any youth mobility of the future! We are glad to announce that InterAct’s “First Kick-Off” meeting took place last week, and that we officially got started! InterAct is our journey towards helping youth across Europe to have a deeper understanding of the value of intercultural communication, and to make the most out of it. […]

European Solidarity Corps – Volunteering Teams “Second Chance”

The 1st Day of the online training of the short-term ESC Volunteering teams project “Second Chance” was completed with huge success. We are excited to be members of this very fruitful partnership! The project is organized by our partners IDC – Initiative et Développement Citoyen from France. EKO along with two other organizations from Italy (Associazione Kora) and Denmark (Dansk […]

ERMIScom: Successful completion of Kick-Start workshop for IO7

EKO, together with the partner Universities of ERMIScom project, completed a highly constructive workshop for the researchers involved in the development of the project’s intellectual outputs, coordinated by the Finnish partner, Metropolia University.   Through a multi-step, interactive discussion the researchers exchanged best practices and effective pedagogical methods they use in the classroom, as part of their daily teaching work, to […]

“Youth Finance Academy” Kick-Off meeting successfully Completed

On February 2-3, 2021 the Kick-Off meeting (KOM) of “Youth Finance Academy” project was successfully implemented as a virtual conference, with a presence of 12 participants, i.e. the project coordinator(s) and the experts representing each partner. The project beneficiaries had then the chance to discuss in detail and agree on all facets of a common project implementation plan, and specifically […]